From: Constance Krüger <>
Date: Apr 3, 2019
Subject: CONF: East European Art History (Berlin, 3 May 19)

Berlin, Humboldt Graduate School, May 03, 2019

VI International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History

Festsaal der Humboldt Graduate School
Luisenstraße 56
10115 Berlin

Programm / Program

09:00-09:15    Begrüßung / Welcome

09:15-10:15    Deirdre M. Smith (Austin)
Umjetnik radi: Stilinović, Šutej, and Trbuljak on Art, Work, and Life

Vera Otdelnova (Moscow)
Moscow Union of Artists. Art and Politics in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s

10:15-10:30    Pause / Break

10:30-11:30    Tomáš Korbel (Prague)
Changes in the Social Status of Architects and Builders in the Czech Lands in the Second Half of the 19th Century

Sanja Sekelj (Zagreb)
Digital Art History and Artists’ Networks in Croatia of the 1990s and 2000s

11:30-12:00    Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

12:00-13:30    Kurzvorstellungen / Short Presentations

13:30-15:00    Mittagspause / Lunch Break

15:00-16:00    Marius Daraškevičius (Vilnius)
Decently Dining. Modernizing Dining Rooms and Related Spaces in Lithuanian Manor Houses in the 19th Century

Ani Kodzhabasheva (New York)
Living in the „Shatterzone of Empires“: Architecture in Sofia after the Last Russo-Ottoman War, ca. 1878-1900

16:00-16:30    Kaffeepause / Coffee Break

16:30-18:00    Antony Kalashnikov (Oxford)
Historicism and “Immortalization” in Stalinist Monumentalism

Eleanor Rees (London)
The Kino-khudozhnik and the Material Environment in Early Russian and Soviet Fiction Cinema, ca. 1907-1930

Simona Bérešová (Berlin)
Fotografie an der Kunstgewerbeschule in Bratislava (1928-1939)

19:00    Empfang / Reception
Lindenstraße 35, 10969 Berlin

Eine Veranstaltung der Professur für Kunstgeschichte Osteuropas / An event of the Chair of East European Art History
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Reference / Quellennachweis:
CONF: East European Art History (Berlin, 3 May 19). In:, Apr 3, 2019. <>.

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