Dear Spectrites,

The reDesigning Affect Space public research trajectory is drawing to a close 
with a public program on Thursday September 5 and a workshop guide by JARD 
architecture agency from Madrid at Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam, Friday 
September 6 and Saturday September 7 - join us on one or more of these dates if 
you happen to be in the proximity of Rotterdam!



Collective Bodies Moving in Affect Space: Are We Data?

Workshop at Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam, September 6 & 7, 2019,
as part of the Neuhaus Curriculum, a temporary transdisciplinary academy for 
more-than-human knowledge.

Every step we humans take in public space, how long we are seated, or how long 
we remain in an over-crowded square, our movements become data. CCTV and 
surveillance are all about personal data (a.k.a. facial recognition). It could 
be either a human or an algorithm looking at us, but it is mostly framed around 
individual information. When its focus shifts from individual data to 
collective data, do we in turn become data?

Using the latest convolutional neural networks (commonly applied to analysing 
visual data), the workshop will use artificial intelligence to analyse the 
meaning of movement in public space. With a camera installed in the centre of 
Rotterdam, the workshop will explore the meaning of our collective body in 
public space while interacting with it live. We will capture the movement of 
bodies in real-time and design a series of actions to disrupt, play and 
understand the power and importance of collective flow to understand the city, 
the public and the social.

The workshop is organised as part of the reDesigning Affect Space 
<> public research 
trajectory (also presented at Het Nieuwe Instituut 
 one day before this workshop on Thursday 5 September 2019) and Neuhaus 

Affect Space

Affect Space is a spatial model for analysing the interplay between urban 
public space with mobile technology and the affective intensities that are 
generated by mediated and embodied exchanges. In fact, the Affect Space model 
closely describes the designed practices by some techno-political actors, like 
IT service provides and governments at the forefront of developments. The 
question at stake is how Affect Space can be redesigned for a more poetic, 
critical, and open civic engagement, and how to include the design disciplines 
in shaping such alternative designs?

JARD architecture studio

JARD <> is an architectonic physic-digital office that works 
during a daily average of 13 hours 23 minutes and 54 seconds in a discontinuous 
space-time without adjusting to official vacation periods and on a mutant 
velocity depending on the context conditions of every project. Javier Argota 
and Rodrigo Delso are architects educated at the Escuela Técnica Superior de 
Arquitectura de Madrid (2014 and 2012 respectively) currently working as 
researchers and professors at the same university that have complemented their 
training at Goldsmiths University (London, 2015), Carnegie Mellon University 
(Pittsburg, 2016) and the Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, 2008).

Javier Argoto researches on data visualization, interactive media and new 
technologies applied to urban planning and architecture within Hypermedia 
Research Group at Polytechnic University of Madrid. Rodrigo Delso is a 
chronopath, specialised in critical-theoretical research on the digital 
dimension of cities, who is currently developing his PHD titled ChronoPolis 
that has been recently awarded in the national competition Arquímedes (2014) 
for young Spanish researchers. They are the founders of JARD, the innovation 
pedagogical platform 100×10 and masters program in Architectonic Communication, 
MAca of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

Eric Kluitenberg

Eric Kluitenberg <> is a 
theorist, writer, curator, and educator working at the intersection of culture, 
politics, media, and technology. He is the Editor in Chief of the Tactical 
Media Files online documentation platform for Tactical Media. He was a Research 
Fellow at the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, and currently teaches 
cultural and media theory at the Art Science Interfaculty and the Interactive / 
Media / Design programme in The Hague.

Publications include The Book of Imaginary Media (2006), Delusive Spaces - 
essays (2008), the theme issues of Open, Journal for Art and the Public Domain, 
"Hybrid Space" (2006), and "(Im)Mobility" (2011), The legacies of Tactical 
Media (2011), and Techno Ecologies (2012). He currently works on the 
preparation of an international anthology about Tactical Media co-edited with 
David Garcia, to be published by MIT Press. Projects include the Next 5 Minutes 
3 & 4 - Festivals of Tactical Media (1999 / 2003), net.congestion - 
International Festival of Streaming Media (2000), debates & credits - Media / 
Art  /Public Domain (2002), the Economies of the Commons conference series 
(2008-2012), ElectroSmog - International Festival for Sustainable immobility 
(2010), FREE!? - A one day journey into the cultures of sharing (2013), 
Tactical Media Connections (2014-2017), T/A/S - Technology / Affect / Space 
(2016), and reDesigning Affect Space (2017 - 2019).


Workshop 6 & 7 September:

Thursday Night Live program,. 5 September:

reDesigning Affect Space is generously supported by the Netherlands Creative 
Industries Fund <>.

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