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In-Dialog collective together with other artists are building an open virtual 
museum for digital art : Children of Cyberspace.
It is a place where artists can showcase their work, in a virtual open world, 
free of any environmental or geo-political constraints. It is designed as a 
participatory live-project, expanding and contracting over time, evolving as 
the community grows. The museum will host free public collections, private 
event and art festivals.
We are thrilled to invite you online for the opening exhibition :
A Gallery in the Clouds 
The exhibition will open on Wednesday 17th of April at 7pm CET online :
the Museum 
We will also host a discussion with the artists on Zoom, starting at the same 
time. You're very welcome to join us there ! (Meeting ID: 927 0887 0325)

We are happy to announce that will be participating:

You can support this project by joining our Patreon page 
 : you’ll be able to access to live guided tours with artists, Patreon 
exclusive content and receive updates on the project’s evolution. The donations 
received will be shared among the artist community and help run the platform. 

Now, more than ever, we need a bubble of freedom where people from around the 
world, no matter the geopolitical or environmental conditions, can come 
together to express themselves and share with others their creations. Children 
of Cyberspace is a sanctuary that belongs to all of us, designed so that 
everyone can have an equal voice.

If you are interested in joining the project, you can contact us 
Stay tuned as we will release an open call for the next exhibition soon.
Thank you for your time and looking forward to see you all for the vernissage.
In-Dialog team
Support this project 
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