Dear all,

We present the results of our 2 year's  editorial/curatorial and collaborative 
research work through these turbulent times
in the form of our 11th issue- “Culture Beside Itself” 
Issue 11: Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, Culture Beside Itself
Autonomously edited non-fascist or avant garde collectively edited Newsletters, 
presented as a model for other ways of research and non-institutional work. In 
way, it is conceptualized in relation to new municipalist and decolonial 
cultural and theoretical work. 

The Journal of Aesthetics & Protest is an almost 20-year old autonomous 
non-academic journal 
that describes itself as a “freak archive” and radical thinking group, 
publishing outfit and artist’s colective.  <>


Culture Beside Itself,  the 11th issue is primarilly a compendium of 19 
authored and autonomously edited non- or anti-fascist or avant garde 
These newsletters were locally distributed before joining our compendium.
The editorial/curatorial project began as a way to support and/or initiate more 
long-term situated
praxis - praxis with a decidedly critical eye towards whatever mediating force– 
left or right;
in support of radical, decolonial, eco-social and progressive ends bound up in 
those left-mediating forces.
The issue is a work of political solidarity and book arts; we wanted to take 
seriously our practice as editor/orgaizers. 


In addition to our lllustrated editorial, the issue also contains four article 
that reflect on the issue's subject of focus.
- Print media theorist Nick Thoburn on the newsletter form as a possibly 
communist object 
- Out of the Woods Collective on eco-fascism, practice and place 
- Critical Theorist Hammam Aldouri on the limits of the art world's liberal 
universalism- via LA MOCA and Marina Abramovic 
- Tools for Action artist collective, on the creation of non-fascist avant 
garde collective spectacle 
Newsletters from:
Anti-fascist Culture (Athens, Thessaloniki & beyond)
Black Book Assembly (Hong Kong, Wuhan, and elsewhere)
Museum Adjacent  
The Center for Enchantment (Albany)
We TBD (Los Angeles)
Zizi de Vitruve (Strasbourg)
Around the Table (London)
La Foresta/Evening Class (Rovereto & London)
Five Years (London)
Never Again/Anti-Fascist Year 
Woodbine (Ridgewood Queens, New York)
collective @ .ac (Lancashire)
ReadingRoom (Utrecht)
Evening Class (London)
The Re-Imagining Value Action Lab/RiVAL (Thunder Bay)
DSA Ecosocialist WG (Santa Cruz)
Critical Practice Notes (Los Angeles)
The Casual School Collective (Canberra)
Pro Arts Gallery & Commons (Oakland)

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