dear community,

we are happy to announce you the launch of a new podcast series curated
by it is called "netzrauschen" (eng. "the noise of the net"),
and we talk digital democracy, media art, free software & technology,
and, of course, also sound & art & feminist political aspects of the web. is an artist-run free&open web platform/provider plus a net&media
art initiative based in graz, austria. (

feel free to give us an ear - the podcast is in german, but we hope you
can still enjoy:

we would be happy for appreciation, e.g. via twitter (@murpunktat), and
if you have ideas or feedback to spare, or ideas for future
contributions, feel free to drop us a line :)

kind regards,


Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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