a dear invitation to tune in!

06.08.2020 - 19:00 - 22:00 
ribs #13 - Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro / Listening at Pungwe

on https://www.inbetweenspaces.net <https://www.inbetweenspaces.net/>, 
www.p-node.org <http://www.p-node.org/> (with the possibility to comment or ask 
questions later) or via this live stream link 

Together with Gilles Aubry and Nathalie Anguenzomo Mba Bikoro we will explore 
"Black A(n)thena (Kosmos)"; practices of listening and radio as means to 
decolonize and untrain the ear from hegemonic listening knowledge. Drawing on 
material from piracy radios, Black A(n)thena follows the entangled histories of 
German settlements and anti-colonial struggles in Gabon and elsewhere. The 
artists follow the multiple traces of writer and botanist Adelbert von 
Chamisso, who reappears on a banana plantation in Gabon as the goddess 
“Camissonae”, while nature transmits testimonies and warnings to the plantation 
laborers. Black A(n)thena draws on the role of the scientific perpetrator 
rather than the native as subject and counter-reacts to the technologies of 
sound recordings and transmissions used in early 20th century.

Listening at Pungwe – the joint project of Namibian historian Memory Biwa and 
sound artist Robert Machiri – also trace German colonialism in their 
radiophonic lecture performance “Dzimudzangara: A Spectral Figuration of 
Archival Voices”. The tale is of Kingigitile ‘Bokero’ Ngwale, who — possessed 
by the spirit-medium, Hongo — recruits fighters against the German invaders. 
The piece takes unexpected turns as the artists overlay many decades of vinyl 
recordings with songs, poetry and their momentary gestures into the past.


Therese Schuleit
+49176 22 00 888 4

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