
all doubts and worries are justified; this is underscored by the fact that, here on Spectre, there was a supposedly innocent little conversation, occasioned by a "spam" message from China to Europe Rail Transportation Inc., and held by supposedly German and Taiwanese citizens, about the town of MaƂaszewicze in Poland (19/21 Jun 2020), which actually forms part of "corridor II", close to the Belrussian border. Everything is true!

It is also very suspicious that in the Open Letter those, ostensibly, Belarussian cultural workers are only speaking for themselves and are not requesting support from either you or me.

Stay alert!


Am 19.08.20 um 11:35 schrieb heath bunting:
are you sure this is accurate information from trusted people ?

how certain are you that this is not part of a NATO colour revolution psychological operation ?

i was tricked into working for organ harvesting criminals war criminals in kosova in 1999 by smooth talking cultural workers - so have personal experience and friends in this game

it appears that all NATO regime change operations are colour coded to signal to all people in the spook world what's really going on


from my experience, protest movements are not pretty, organised or on-message - they are chaotic, diverse with bad aesthetics and funny


the white helmets have been wound-up, so white is now available for use

yellow vests seems to be an anomoly (or exception that proves the rule) - probably sub-NATO operation though (MI6 and some crazed middle eastern interests)

what's the news with corridor II ? china/ russia /

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