*New deleted scenes with maverick composer Jennifer Walshe*

We dig up some unreleased fragments of our conversation with maverick
composer Jennifer Walshe
that we were unable to include the first time around.



00:00 How do we fix this? Well, you start when people are born. Make sure
there’s books where there are modular synths played by little girls…
04:16 Tackling the structures and contradictions in the neoliberal music
industry model.
11:59 If you explained the current model, which is based on free labour, to
someone 20 years ago, nobody would believe it.
13:31 What does sharing mean? Zuckerberg talks about sharing but he does
not share.

In case you missed our main feature with Jennifer Walshe can be listened to
here <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-316-jennifer-walshe>.

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