I would like to invite my Spectre colleagues to view an exhibition of my
multidisciplinary projects at
https://viewingroom.frieze.com/viewing-room/152,  in *"Possessions"*, the
section of *Frieze London* curated by the remarkable Zoe Whitley, and
hosted by Vienna's Georg Kargl Gallery.

*Frieze London* is a short event, open only until 6:00 pm Friday, Oct.16th,
CET (12:00 noon EST), so there's not much time to visit the Kargl Gallery
and the seven other galleries in *"Possessions"*, or the 250 galleries from
all over the world that constitute the unique context.

I hope very much that your visit will be enjoyable and that aside from the
work itself, the questions it raises about experiencing art virtually will
in themselves be engaging.

Warm regards,
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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