
biennale.NO is a contemporary art biennale that doesn't take place, with
works that don't exist. It is structured as a decentralized network of
collaborative nodes, projects and works.

Theme 2020: The unbearable lightness of internet
biennale.NO period: From November 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021

Open call
We are looking for
- collaborating nodes (organising non-existing events)
- works that don't exist
- projects that neither

How to participate
Add the hashtag #biennaleNO or the backlink https://biennale.NO to your
post and publish as usual. There's no need to send us anything.
There is no control or curation of the material.
The biennale will help share and reshare material found with this hashtag
or backlink.

Theme 2020: The unbearable lightness of internet
It should be easy to write a paragraph here yourself.

biennale.NO is organised by noemata (bjørn magnhildøen, zsolt mesterhazy)
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

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