Invitation to #VDEF

We would like to invite you to the 3rd Virtual Design Education forum on the 
11th and the 12th of November 2021
The theme for this year’s Design Education Forum is: “Creativity without a 
computer, education in the age of Artificial Intelligence.” Participations can 
take the form of a 15-20 minute video presentation, a workshop, a panel or even 
a keynote speech. This year’s forum will take place currently online, we are 
actively looking for collaborations and also looking at the possibility of 
creating a physical forum, but as of today we are preparing for a virtual one. 
Sponsorship whether its media or financial would be greatly appreciated.
Our hashtag is: #VDEF21 See lessWe would like to invite you to the 3rd Virtual 
Design Education forum on the 11th and the 12th of November 2021 The theme for 
this year’s Design Education Forum is: “Creativity without a computer, 
education in the age of Artificial Intelligence.” Participations can take the 
form of a 15-20 minute video presentation, a workshop, a panel or even a 
keynote speech.
This year’s forum will take place currently online, we are actively looking for 
collaborations and also looking at the possibility of creating a physical 
forum, but as of today we are preparing for a virtual one. Sponsorship whether 
its media or financial would be greatly appreciated. Our hashtag is: #VDEF21
Kind regards,
The Team of the New Art School
The whole #VDEF2020 can be reviewed here
And here
#ADEF19 can be reviewed here
To be notified for present and future events of Design Education Forum, you can 
subscribe here.
Design Education Talks Podcast - An open discussion on art and design 
education, creativity and design thinking
by designer and lecturer Lefteris Heretakis and the team of the New Art school.
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