Hello Spectre’s!

I hope you're doing very well.

I think I told you about this project when we met which is finally operating: 

Radio Amnion: Sonic Transmissions of Care in Oceanic Space 

I am so happy to share with you today the launching of the multiyear sound art 
project for the Ocean - Radio Amnion: Sonic Transmissions of Care in Oceanic 
Space. Radio Amnion transmits artists voices and soundings deep into the 
Pacific Ocean as well as on the new website https://radioamnion.net  
<https://radioamnion.net/>beginning with Libita Sibungu and Perivi Katjavivi’s 
incredible pacific2.wav from June 24th-26th during the first full moon of the 
northern hemispheres summer.
Radio Amnion transmits newly commissioned compositions to and for the waters of 
Earth attached to a submerged telescope experiment residing 2.6 kms deep within 
the Pacific Ocean’s Cascadia Basin – 300kms from the shores of Vancouver 
Island. The ‘P-ONE’ Telescope of the Technical University of Munich’s SFB1258: 
Neutrino and Dark Matter Group is attached to Ocean Network Canadas NEPTUNE 
Observatory a vast underwater marine monitoring network. Deep space meets deep 
Sea as cosmologies and ecologies cross and tangle in this unique celestial 
After two and a half years of planning and preparation our website is live as 
of Thursday June 24th with an marvellous roster of emerging contemporary 
artists’ new incantations that sub/surface in the Ocean and online every month 
during the full moon. These sounds are simultaneously transmitted to the Ocean 
as they’re available at radioamnion.net <https://radioamnion.net/>. Please feel 
warmly invited to visit the deep ocean and the deep sounds of these artists 
ritualistic relays when you have a moment.
If you’d like you can also sign up for our newsletter and follow us on 
Instagram @radio_amnion_
Thanks you so much for your time,
Wishing you the very best,
Jol @ Radio Amnion

Confirmed artists for 2021
Libita Sibungu & Perivi Katjavivi         - June 24-26
Abbas Zahedi                                      - July 23-25
Margarida Mendes                              - August 21-23
Samuel Hertz                                      - September 20-22
Caitlin Berrigan                                   - October 19-21
Andrea Zarza                                      - November 18-20
Josèfa Ntjam                                       - December 18 -20
Mariechen Danz                                  - January 16-18  


https:// <http://goog_715301782/>jolthoms.com <http://jolthoms.com/>

https://radioamnion.net <https://radioamnion.net/>

@ Deep Field Project <https://cream.ac.uk/the-deep-field-project/>

UK: +44 7533 625386
skype: jol-thoms
twitter: @JolThoms
insta: @more.than.non.human

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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