INTER/her, a multi-sensory, immersive art installation that takes you
inside the womb

Weds 15 Sept – Fri 8 Oct 2021

Preview Tues 14 Sept 5:30 to 7:30pm (free)

Access Space at the Food Hall, (opposite the Site Gallery), 62 Brown
Street, Sheffield, S1 4RF

Artist Camille Baker’s new work INTER/her takes her personal experience and
those of other women who have had post-reproductive diseases and pain to
create a Virtual Reality, sound, and haptic*, fully immersive artwork. The
work explores the psychological issues of womanhood, and the sense of self.

INTER/her is based on Baker’s experience and journey through the healthcare
system while she was treated for a post-reproductive disease in 2016. The
ideas and development of the work emanates from experiencing women’s
silence, conflicting information, and inconsistencies in support for
women’s health.

Baker was also inspired by the stories she started to hear from friends and
family about their reproductive disease experiences, which seemed to be
hidden or kept to themselves until she began to speak up about it. Baker
wanted the artwork to allow the seeing of the unseen and give insight and
emotional awareness of a subject that is little known or talked about.

The themes in the work include issues of female identity, sexuality, body
image, loss of body parts, pain, disease and cancer. The work also
represents the lived experience of women’s pain and anger, conflicting
thoughts through self-care and the growth of disease. Feelings of mortality
are explored through a medical process in male-dominated medical
institutions and a dearth of reliable information.

More details and booking info:

All the best

Jake Harries, Director of Arts and Innovation  +44(0)7471120449
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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