Zoom event: 11th January, 0830 EST / 1430 CET / 2130 HKT

RSVP required: https://bit.ly/3kC2RPK

MIT-based artist Kwan Q Li and architect Joel Cunningham will share their
project No humans in the City, but Weeds - a piece of artistic research
that examines an emerging trend of data-centre urbanism. This collaborative
project commenced in 2019 and intends to stimulate collective imagination
around the agency and performativity of human communities within
increasingly post-human urban environments.

The project’s short film was exhibited at the 2021 Venice Biennale
International Architecture (Hong Kong Pavilion), while a related academic
paper is scheduled to be published by AI & Society Journal (2022). This
project was funded by the Hong Kong Design Trust and the Council for the
Arts at MIT.

Following the duo presentation, Director of Smart City Research and
Industry Collaboration at the MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node, Sunnie Lau,
curator and writer Vere van Gool, and multidisciplinary designer Sam
Ghantous will respond to the presentation. The conversation will focus on
different means of performing in the margins, with perspectives from urban
design, writing, curating, and web design.

An online archive of the project can be found at https://nohumans.city - a
website created in collaboration with design studio Foreign Objects.
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