MADATAC [New Media Digital Audiovisual Art Festival] announces that its next 12th edition due in Madrid in November 2022, which call will be announced shortly, will be dedicated to Ukraine as the guest country.

are ethnic russian ukrainian citizens eligible to apply ?

On the other hand, Russia's brutal and unjustified military aggression and crimes against humanity in Ukraine, forces MADATAC to make the decision to join the international boycott and veto the participation of Russian art foundations and institutions, and every art community or cultural private or public organizations that supports Putin and Russia's genocide of the Ukrainian people, in MADATAC Festival for an unlimited time, as a measure of pressure to motivate them to rise up and rebel against the totalitarian and autocratic tyranny of the Kremlin that has endangered world peace.

is it wise for an arts organisation to 'force' and 'pressure' artist's to rise up against a nation state ?

🚫 Suspend Russian participation in international cultural events such as festivals, biennials, exhibitions, art and literature fairs;

my belief is that artist co-operation is a moderating influence on conflict and 
and artists within the imperium should be embracing russian artists more than 

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