*March 8: 5 fundamental conversations on feminist practice from the RWM
archive <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/buscador/radio/etiquetas/8m-10281>*

*1- Professor Oyèwùmi:
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-303-oyeronke-oyewumi> "Part of what I
am doing is to historicize how gender became important in the colonies as
the result of the fact that the colonizers brought their ideas about
gender. That is the crook of the matter". *

In this podcast, Professor Oyèwùmi
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-303-oyeronke-oyewumi> talks about
age, seniority, and respect, about unscrupulousness and academia,
dispossession and spirituality. She considers the oxymoron of the notion of
“single mother” from the point of view of Yoruba culture, and she also
notes how observance of community practices from non-Western cultures may
be an unnecessary step as we face the planetary challenges to come.


*2- Marysia Lewandowska:
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-243-marysia-lewandowska> ‘Everything
that would probably be edited out if it was for broadcast, it is included
in these recordings. And you hear it in the voice.’*

In this podcast, Marysia Lewandowska talks about the Women’s Audio Archive,
about the crucial need to generate counter-narratives in totalitarian
regimes, about networking before networks, about the boundaries between the
private and the public, the negotiations generated by the shift from one
sphere to another, the responsibilities of the archive, and the potential
to generate conversation through art.

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-243-marysia-lewandowska

*3- Laura Mulvey:
<https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-244-laura-mulvey>“The Women's
Movement changed the way I looked at cinema”*

*In this podcast, Laura Mulvey contextualises and elucidates on the
far-reaching impact of her essay “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”,
widely considered a seminal feminist film theory text, in which she applied
the notion of the “male gaze” to classic Hollywood films. She also opens up
the debate to the “queer gaze” and the “universal whiteness” of Hollywood
and defends orality as a form of “history from below”.*

Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/sonia-244-laura-mulvey

*4- Gr <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/griselda-pollock-main/capsula>iselda
Pollock: <https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/griselda-pollock-main/capsula>
"So, I go to a women’s group and the main mechanism at that point was: we
have no theory. We have some bits and pieces we can draw from Alexandra
Kollontai, or we can call on Simone de Beauvoir, or we can look at the
Betty Friedan's 'Feminine Mystique', but there is not explanation for what
this movement is. It is just women coming together and the crucial
methodology was consciousness raising."*

*In this podcast Griselda Pollock talks about her involvement in the
Women’s Movement in England in the seventies, and about the points of
convergence between feminism and art history. She gives a detailed analysis
of the ideas set out in 'Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology', a
seminal text written with Rozsika Parker in 1981, in which they chart a new
cultural imaginary based on works created by women artists throughout
history. In her 1987 'Feminist Interventions in Art’s
Histories', Pollock advocates the need to decentralise and diversify
knowledge, and to design resistance strategies specific to each
socio-political context. And, last but not least, drawing on her most
recent essay 'Is Feminism a Bad Memory or a Virtual
Future?', Griselda reflects on memory technologies, trauma, Oedipal and
mother-child relationships, narratives of progress, and Bracha Ettinger’s
matrixial ethics.*

*Link: https://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/griselda-pollock-main/capsula

*5-  Lizzie Borden:
<http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/lizzie-borden-main/capsula>“With Born in
Flames (the question) is what is the nature of violence, what leads women
to violence, what is the nature of activism, when is going too far… and how
we can be active in a situation that oppresses us.”*

*American filmmaker and activist Lizzie Borden
<http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/lizzie-borden-main/capsula> *talks about her
first three films -"Re-grouping” (1976), "Born in Flames" (1983) i "Working
Girls" (1986)-, about inductive and deductive filmmaking, about filming
without a script, about the importance of editing, about style, about the
use of documentary strategies in fiction films, about alternative
distribution as a form of activism, about the lack of women in the film
world and about her notion of television as the future of audiovisual media.

Link: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/sonia/lizzie-borden-main/capsula

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