
I like to share this Call with you with a focus on CCE region ...

The Studio in Residence “Year of Climate Care '' is a collaborative call for 
artists from NASUTI festival Slovakia and the Impact Academy (Academy of Fine 
Arts Vienna) in Austria. We are looking for one emerging international Artist 
or Artistic Researcher who targets in their work or research the climate care 
objectives and who also reflects this year’s festival theme of WILDERNESS.

About the Year of Climate Care 
Year of Climate Care is a project and initiative inspired by global 
environmental movements and the debate on climate change and its impact on 
communities. The conceptual background is provided by the themes of the New 
European Bauhaus initiative. The intention is to support and develop the 
activities of the creative and educational sector to prevent the negative 
impacts of climate change in social, cultural and everyday life and to support 
the transition of society to a carbon-free future, educating about climate 
change and how to cope with it. The expected long-term outcome is that the 
project organizers and partners will create a distributed interdisciplinary 
platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration between the creative, 
educational and other sectors. Learn more about it here 

The Studio in Residence programme has the following objectives:

Empower young emerging artists or artistic researchers from Europe

Support artistic and/or artistic research in the field of climate care

Foster knowledge transfer and exchange in the Vienna-Bratislava region

Present the outcomes of the Residency at the Year of Climate Care Programme (in 
Vienna  in Bratislava and Banská Štiavnica )

Facts of the Call
Deadline for the Call: Sun, 12 June 2022
Period: 1st September – 30th September 2022

The Residency provides
Travel Costs EU to/from Vienna to EU

Covering Accommodation for one Month in Vienna

Monthly scholarship in the amount of 1000€ 

Studio for the duration of the residence

Support and advice for networking with initiatives and multipliers

General public relations work for public and semi-public  moments of residence.

Send your submission in English language to wissenstrans...@akbild.ac.at 

Personal Statement and motivation letter concerning climate care (1 

Project description and action plan for the residency (2 DIN-A4-Pages)

Goals and forecast of outcomes of the residency (max. 1 DIN-A4-Page)

CV in written Form

Short Mobile Video (max 2 min)

Zuzana Duchova NASUTI festival

Diana Klepoch Majdakova,  NASUTI festival

Georg Russegger, Impact Academy, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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