ERC project COSE (2022-2027)

Coded Secrets: Artistic Interventions Hidden in the Digital Fabric

4 positions are to be filled.

In our research project "Coded Secrets: Artistic Interventions Hidden in the Digital Fabric" (2022-2027) we trace, analyse, document and theorize valuable cultural online production that is withdrawn in various ways and thus is in danger to disappear without broader notice. We are hiring specialists from different backgrounds, skilled in code and network analysis, visualisations, or technophilic humanities.

In our ERC research project "Coded Secrets" (COSE, 2022-2027) at KIT Karlsruhe (Germany), internet artworks and their environments are examined complementarily on the levels of user interface, code, network protocols, as well as technical and cultural contexts from interdisciplinary perspectives.

Our international team will consist of 5+ specialists from the fields of computer science/ code and network analysis, information visualization/multimedia, art history/media or software studies.

Project information:

Application open:

Prof. Dr. Inge Hinterwaldner
Institut für Kunst- und Baugeschichte
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Englerstr. 7
76131 Karlsruhe
+49 (0)721 608-42177
+49 (0)176 63148436 (mobil)

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