Betreff: Can You See Me Now?
Datum: Thu, 29 Sep 2022 16:34:17 +0200
Von: !Mediengruppe Bitnik <>


happy to invite you the the exhibition opening of

🕳 Practices of Tracking, Control, and Resistance


with the artists Jeremy Bailey, Adam Harvey, Vladan Joler, Lauren Lee McCarthy, Joana Moll, RYBN.ORG, Gordan Savičić, Felix Stalder, Simon Weckert

Opening: Friday, October 7 2022 18:00

@ WE ARE AIA, Zürich, Switzerland
October 8, 2022 – January 31, 2023


Where surveillance technologies used to be a specialized part of urban public space mostly aimed at crime prevention and investigation, today surveillance in the form of automated data collection and analysis has become an essential part of contemporary infrastructure — from smart phones to social media, smart home devices, and beyond. Nowadays, surveillance is both hidden and pervasive in its structure and operation. It surrounds us as an “invisible infrastructure” that tracks us and allows our devices to show us content tailored to “our” interests and respond to “our” desires.

But to what extent is mass observation and data access acceptable? Where is the fine line between new technological advances making our life easier—whether it is physical or virtual—and becoming manipulative?

Can You See Me Now? illuminates a variety of artistic and social tactics that address these questions and explore the shift from surveillance as technology to surveillance as infrastructure. The artists focus on making surveillance infrastructures visible by “performing” the technologies in unintentional, experimental ways. Visitors are able to discover new modes of interaction with the technology as well as possibilities to intervene in the systems beyond the aesthetic experience.

curated by !Mediengruppe Bitnik & Martina Huber


🕳 Where?

Limmatstrasse 268
8005 Zürich, Switzerland

🕳 What? When?


Friday, October 7

18:00 Vernissage
with a live performance by Lauren Lee McCarthy

21:00 Bar, Kunsthalle Zürich


Saturday, October 8

11:00 - 16:00

🕳 City Walk: Offshore Tour Operator by RYBN.ORG

Limited places available — please RSVP :

With Offshore Tour Operator (2017 / 2022) the extradisciplinary artist collective RYBN.ORG takes us on a tour of the physical traces of offshore banking within the city of Zürich. The tours let the participants hunt for shell companies, trust firms, and housing agencies and shadow finance offices and agents tucked away within the architecture of various Zürich neighborhoods. For the GPS-driven psychogeographical tour RYBN.ORG extracts the data from the 800,000 addresses of the Offshore Leaks database. The work offers an entry point and filter into what would otherwise be an overwhelming trove of economic data.

Meeting point: WE ARE AIA

Talk with Julia Scher & !Mediengruppe Bitnik, moderated by Felix
Stalder, Kunsthalle Zürich

(after the talk) Guided tour through the exhibition

Public listening session: Offshore Tour Operator


The exhibition Can You See Me Now? is based on first findings from the research group project Latent Spaces. Performing Ambiguous Data at the Institute for Contemporary Art Research at Zürich University of the Arts.

PS: also next week!


🕳 Lecture Performance
Home is where the work is ¯\ _(ツ)_ /¯

Wed Oct 5 & Thu Oct 6, 20h
Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus, Berlin



The Art of Exposing Secrets

Opens: Friday, Oct 7

!Mediengruppe Bitnik, AFK, Ai Weiwei, Chicks on Speed, Daniel Lismore, Daniel Richter, Davide Dormino, Hito Steyerl, Institute for Dissent and Datalove, Iodine Dynamics, Jean-Baptiste Bayle, Melissa E. Logan, Peng! RYBN, Sarah Lucas

P145, Invalidenstr. 145 - 10115 Berlin


ƪ(ړײ)‎ƪ​​ love, !Mediengruppe Bitnik
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