We are pleased to announce:

cid:image002.png@01D8F2CD.285F2090Postdigital Intimacies and the Networked Public-Private

24^th – 25^th November 2022, Coventry University.

Registration link: https://www.eventsforce.net/cugroup/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=306919&ef_sel_menu=5103&eventID=1083 <https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventsforce.net%2Fcugroup%2Ffrontend%2Freg%2Fthome.csp%3FpageID%3D306919%26ef_sel_menu%3D5103%26eventID%3D1083&data=05%7C01%7Caa4180%40coventry.ac.uk%7Cc241fc7478e0445be4d608dac0e49fce%7C4b18ab9a37654abeac7c0e0d398afd4f%7C0%7C0%7C638034385435573758%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=%2FWSB8Foj7a%2FLf2HVOgQx6v3vRmleoazrWpo85FR04ew%3D&reserved=0>

Notions of public and private spheres of life are increasingly indissoluble, shaped by a postdigital context where what happens digitally also happens without, between, and in dialogue with non-digitality. The collapse of public and private, digital and non-digital, shapes new relations of intimacy, emotion and affect, creating new ways of feeling, being and becoming in the world.

This event marks the end of an AHRC networking grant exploring these Postdigital Intimacies. Speakers will grapple with the notion of 'postdigital intimacies' – and how this concept has proven useful in their research. We will also explore the next steps of the network at this event, including the publication of the papers in a special issue.

Thursday 24^th November

*Registration from 9am*

9.30 – 9.45

*Postdigital Intimacies and the Networked Public-Private*

Adrienne Evans and Jessica Ringrose

9.45 – 10.50

*Feminist Digital Intimacies*

‘Bodies like this body’: digital intimacies, collective mourning and the space of political appearance during the #MahsaAmini protests in Iran

Sara Tafakori

Consent-Deception in the Hyper-Aesthetic Present: A Feminist Cultural Media Theory of Commonsense Consent

Sarah Cefai

*Break 10.50 – 11.10*

11.10 – 12.40

*Sexual Consent, Risk and Trust*

Educating teenage boys about consent: The problems with the law and affirmative consent in boys’ (anticipated and actual) sexual cultures

Emily Setty

Turning to/from Trust: Negotiating Risk and Vulnerability in Hetero-Sexting

Rikke Amundsen

Managing your 'social battery': Young people negotiating postdigital appified ‘risky’ intimacies during COVID 19 lockdowns and return to school

Jessica Ringrose

*Lunch 12.40 – 2.00*

2.00 – 3.00

*Digital intimacies, “attunements” to sexualization, and neoliberal psycho-sexual pathologisation of youth self-images: parents’ views on gender, social media, and sexting*

Amy Shields Dobson

*Break 3.00 – 3.15*

3.15 – 4.45

*Mediated Feelings *

Boring Intimacies: #Boredom and Postdigital Media

Tina Kendall

Networked Care - Material Intimacies in Digital Therapy

Marjo Kolehmainen

Reframing Intimacy in the Era of Internet TV and Intimacy Coordination

Tanya Horeck

Friday 25^th November

*Registration from 9am*

9.30 – 11.00

*Queer Intimacies*

Postdigital promiscuity: Queer theory and queer lives

Jenny Sundén

‘Haven’t you literally been on a date with every single woman in London yet?!’: Lesbian and queer women’s online dating

Róisín Ryan-Flood

Vulnerability and Control: queer men's smartphone mediated intimacy in the 'post-neoliberal' conjuncture

Jamie Hakim

*Break 11.00 – 11.15*

11.15 – 12.45

*Haunting, Households and Hospitality*

Consenting to the Promotional Household

Alison Winch

Live Through This: re-membering the 'maligned 90's woman' through social haunting

Debra Ferreday

‘It’s Your Boo!’: Intimacy, Hospitality, and the Return of the Digital Dead

Lindsay Balfour

*Lunch 12.45 – 1.30*

1.30 – 2.30

*Ima Put a Computational Hex on You?*

Shaka McGlotten

2.30 – 2.45

*Closing, Where Next and Thanks*

Adrienne Evans and Jessica Ringrose

Conference notes:

This event will be hosted in person at Coventry University, Techno Park. Spaces are limited, so if you find you cannot make the event, please cancel your ticket so that others can book. A limited number of PhD train travel-only bursaries will be available up to an amount, please email postdigitalintimacies....@coventry.ac.uk <mailto:postdigitalintimacies....@coventry.ac.uk>to receive information on how to apply. The event venue is wheelchair accessible. Free parking is available to delegates, but is also close to public transport (Coventry train station approx. 10-minute walk). Further details will be sent as a conference pack nearer to the time of the event.

Gary Hall
Professor of Media
Director of the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University:


Director of Open Humanities Press:http://www.openhumanitiespress.org Websitehttp://www.garyhall.info

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Journal article (open access) 'Defund 

Book review: ‘Review of Bitstreams: The Future of Digital Literary Heritage' by 
Matthew Kirschenbaum:https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/721475

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Journal issue: Culture Machine 21 (2022): Anthropofictions/Antropoficciones, 
guest-edited by Claudio Celis Bueno & raúl rodríguez freire

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