2017-05-29 22:45 GMT+02:00 Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net>:
> I don't know.  It means that benchmark results published on the Web
> are generally not comparable with each other unless they happen to be
> generated with the exact same version.  It reduces the usefulness of
> the benchmarks suite quite a bit IMHO.

I only know a 3 websites to compare Python performances:

* speed.python.org
* speed.pypy.org
* speed.pyston.org

My goal is to convaince PyPy developers to use performance. I'm not
sure that pyston.org is revelant: it seems like their forked benchmark
suite is modified, so I don't expect that results on pypy.org and
pyston.org are comparable. I would also prefer that Pyston uses the
same benchmark suite.

About speed.python.org, what was decided is to *drop* all previous
results if we modify benchmarks. That's what I already did 3 times:

* 2017-03-31: old results removed, new CPython results to use Git
commits instead of Mercurial.
* 2017-01: old results computed without PGO removed (unstable because
of code placement), new CPython results using PGO
* 2016-11-04: old results computed with benchmarks removed, new
CPython results (using LTO but not PGO) computed with the new
performance benchmark suite.

To be honest, in the meanwhile, I chose to run the master branch of
perf and performance to develop perf and performance. In practice, I
never noticed any significant performance change on any performance
the last 12 months when I updated dependencies. Sadly, it seems like
no significant optimization was merged in our dependencies.

> Let's ask the question a different way: was there any necessity to
> update those dependencies?  If yes, then fair enough.  Otherwise, the
> compatibility breakage is gratuitous.

When I started to work on benchmarks last year, I noticed that we used
a Mercurial version which was 5 years old, and a Django version which
was something like 3 years old. I would like to benchmark the
Mercurial and Django versions deployed on production.

Why do you want to update performance if you want a pinned version of
Django? Just always use the same performance version, no?

For speed.python.org, maybe we can decide that we always use a fixed
version of performance, and that we must remove all data each time we
change the performance version. For my needs, maybe we could spawn a
"beta" subdomain running master branches? Again, I expect no
significant difference between the main website and the beta website.
But we can do it if you want.

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