On Monday 26 Nov 2001 12:35 am, you wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 01:13:24AM +0100, Damien Charlet wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Before deciding between buying an USB modem or spending the sup. $$$ for
> > an ethernet one, I'd like to know something: Are these drivers SMP safe
> > ??
> >
> > I found the answer neither on the site nor in the doc, and I got a
> > dual-celeron box...
> > Thanx for your answer,
>  Our driver has been used successfully with SMP (Dual Pentium). But I don't
> remember well the configuration.
>  If you want more details, try to contact Benoit Locher
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> He's the one who's using our driver with a SMP
> config.
> (If I'm wrong and Benoit Locher doesn't use SMP + our driver, forgive me
> and let me know that :-)

im using smp no probs here (dual p2-350) the drivers installed fine and works 
There is nothing to fear but yeah you may come across the problem i just had 
about processes going defunc when your isp has glitches and you can see the 
solution posted by taps. 
So go ahead and try it and if you run into probs im sure the people here will 
priovide you with a solution.


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