> Ok I just sent another reply to the tech guys as I still haven't heard
> anything from Ed's reasons.
To  tell you  the truth,  when Thomson  sent us  a patch  for  stusb 330
support i tried to "negotiate"[1] the needed specs to undertsand what we
were doing in modem_run. But now more than 6weeks later, and though they
promised they would phone me... i had no more contacts with thomson.

I just  gave it up, because  we already failed with  Alcatel and Thomson
ignored our requests  just like Alcatel (ok they  were more polite, they
listened to our request)

I've  been also  be discusing  the  possiblity to  change the  Firware's
license so  every user could have  the right to distribute  it. This was
intended to solve the  problem of modem_run being distributable (because
it's GPL) but not the firmware. That's all the problem with our free set
of drivers (kernel  and user mode).  We have drivers,  but they can't be
distributed in an  usable state because we lack  the right to distribute
that file. Here again i had no answers from thomson.

Btw, perhaps you would success where I and Alex have failed. 

[1]  This  was not  a  negotiation, but  a  kind  of "fair  cooperation"
proposition. I proposed to continue to support driver devlopment if they
provided  us  miminum  set of  docs  so  that  we could  understand  the
modem_run  magic  sequences.  I  proposed  a  change  of the  firmware's
license so that we could have been shipping it with the driver.

Edouard Gomez
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