Edward Ponting wrote:

>I'm sure that the link is connected correctly. Is it worth me extending the timeout 
>to > 60 seconds??
The problem is not alignement but child modem_run process. It do not 
send a signal to his  parent that modem is now sincronized.
A workaround, before developers patch, can be set timed_out = true after 
reset alarm and before check into modem_run.c.
Modem work fine so ...

/*   Begin extract modem_run.c          */

    timed_out=1;   /// <------------- Add this istruction

    if (timed_out) {
/*       End extract modem_run.c      */

In my system (but i use pppoa) 30 seconds enought for all.

Thanks Lewis,
Danilo Berardi

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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