
On Thu, 22 Apr 2004, Ok Overbeek (mz) wrote:

| Come on, you're still using KQD6P1/2; read Gilles's message !!

ah, i mistakenly assumed the ZZZ was just a placeholder in your
suggested commandline.

i found ZZZLP1.eni and ZZZLP2.eni on the web, but still no go:

Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost modem_run[5291]: Found SpeedTouch USB modem 
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost modem_run[5291]: Modem revision: 0400 
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 1 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 2 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost modem_run[5291]: Best offset      0 with probability  87% 
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost modem_run[5291]: Best offset      0 with probability 100% 
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost modem_run[5291]: Best offset 775501 with probability 100% 
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost modem_run[5291]: Firmware info (CRC:0x0223733c, Size:775509, 
Checked: Yes, 1.0.10 - Win32 Rev 0400 SACHU3) 
Apr 22 18:51:44 localhost modem_run[5291]: Unable to locate boot code in 

  -- erno

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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