> I have been running into this for a few days and went through the new
> setup to see if the problem went away. I just ran through the sequence
> again:
> mkdir stest
> cd stest
> virtualenv --no-site-packages .
> Scripts\activate
> sphinx-quickstart (mostly defaults chosen)
> (edits to Makefile)
> make html (succeeds)
> make latex (fails with ref to footer node)
> make clean
> make latex (same error)
> No latex file gets built, so the TeX setup is not part of the picture
> yet (I am using TeXlive for the moment). I really want to see if I can
> get a USB portable writing environment set up to manage class note
> production, since I travel between campuses a lot and am getting tired
> of lugging a 17" laptop everywhere.
> I will try running under wing and see if I can track this down -

The next important question is which version of the docutils you're using.
Maybe it's some snapshot from pre-0.5 which had a different behavior
regarding these nodes? If you're not running either 0.4 or 0.5, I'd
recommend upgrading to 0.5 and retrying.

If you're using 0.4 or 0.5, then please send me the project generated by
quickstart, so I can try to reproduce the problem.


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