All approaches to client-side full text search are doomed IMO.  The word
index with stemmed words is large enough for projects as large as the Python
docs for example.

Of course, partial search in the stemmed words would be possible, but
gives odd results because you can only partially search in word roots :)


Gael Varoquaux schrieb:
> Georg,
> Any chance we get partial word search in 0.6? I know this is probably a
> hard one, but it would be a big deal.
> Thank for all your work,
> Gaël
> ----- Forwarded message from Francesc Alted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> From: Francesc Alted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Discussion of Numerical Python <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 11:41:16 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] checksum on numpy float array
> Reply-To: Discussion of Numerical Python <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> A Friday 05 December 2008, Andrew Collette escrigué:
>> Just to confirm that h5py does in fact have fletcher32; it's one of
>> the options you can specify when creating a dataset, although it
>> could use better documentation:
> My bad.  I've searched for 'fletcher' instead of 'fletcher32'.  I 
> naively thought that the search tool in Sphinx allowed for partial name 
> finding.  In fact, it is a pity it does not.
> Cheers,

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