On Feb 9, 2009, at 3:59 PM, Tim Michelsen wrote:

> Hello Sphinxers,
> I was asembling a set of tutorials and recipies.
> In order to make sure that every example I included in my code  
> actually
> works, I included them as doctests like
> this is my example::
>>>> 1+1
> In order to nable readers to copy&paste the code directly in the
> interactive shell (Ipython), I would like to have the possibility to
> disable those ">>>" markers.
> My idea:
> Include a small JavaScript code which lets the users
> * switch between normal and interactive code style
> * switch line numbers on and off.

Presumably the doctests include output.  How do you handle that,  
remove the lines or insert a comment marker so they aren't part of the  
executed code when the text is pasted into the interpreter/script?

> The MoinMoin wiki software [1] already includes such a functionality.
> Maybe we could borrow from there?
> What do you think?
> Is there a good example on how to use doctests with Sphinx?
> I didn't understand the codee from the documentation of Sphinx.
> Kind regards,
> Timmie
> [1] example: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/DataFrame
> >

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