On May 19, 2009, at 11:12 PM, Matthew Turk wrote:

> Hi there,
> Just as an upfront, I'm loving using sphinx to document a project.
> I'm writing because I'm stuck at a particular usage pattern we have in
> our code, and how to properly document it.  We have objects that have
> affiliated "derived quantities" -- to get at these one usually
> accesses a dictionary, which then can get called with any number of
> arguments.  For instance,
> my_object.quantities["MaxLocation"]("Density")
> would call the "MaxLocation" quantity (which is actually an object
> with a __call__ method) and return the results.  What I'd like to do
> is to supply the class and the method and have it appear in the
> documentation as:
> my_object.quantities["MaxLocation"]
> [docstring]
> identically to how the autodoc extension would work -- rather than
> autodocing the underlying class itself, which is not meant to be
> accessed directly.  Is there a way to supply an override to the
> displayed name (in addition to the signature) of an autodoc-processed
> object?  If not, any hints on where to start in adding this
> functionality?

I've had good luck generating .rst files programmatically based on  
data structures like that by running a separate program outside of  
sphinx.  For example, we have a large set of system events in our  
application.  I generate the complete table of all event ids with  
their associated arguments using a little Python script prior to  
running sphinx-build.  Then I either reference the files from a  
toctree directive or include them (depending on what I'm generating).

It's not as fancy as overriding built-in behavior of sphinx, but it's  
easy to understand and gets the job done.


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