Dear All,

I'd like to use sphinx for documenting a c++ project and reading
through the documentation I encountered a few issues: What would be a
good way to markup and reference c++ namespaces and header files? In
Python a module replaces and unifies these two concepts. Therefore,
the module markup cannot really be used for these c++ concepts, and
also the syntax is different from the Python syntax
module.something_in_the_module . Another thing is that a macro which
takes arguments cannot always be classified as something equivalent to
a function since the macro can stand for a type which takes arguments
(c++ class templates).

Is there any clever way that I can still use the existing markup and
get around these issues?
Or is there any extension for sphinx that allows for more refined
markup of c++ constructs?
Or do I have to write one myself?

Thanks in advance for any help,
Andras Vukics

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