Am 13.08.2010 um 23:32 schrieb Kevin Horn:
> .. tags:: foo, bar, baz
> And to list all tags in the sphinxsidebar as clickable links which point to a 
> page where all documents with the specified tag are listed alphabetically.

> AFAIK, it's not currently possible to do anything like this, though I've also 
> wanted something like this.
> It's probably possible to do something like this in an extension, by creating 
> a custom directive, and then writing hooks into the sphinx build system to 
> compile the tags from various documents into a coherent whole.  I've pondered 
> doing this, but haven't managed to come up with the time yet.

I'm not a programmer but I would think that the index directive would be a good 
starting point for a tagging mechanism, because it takes all occurrences of a 
word (or tag) into account and lists links to them on the index page. Sphinx 
only needs to split up the index of tags into separate pages (one page for each 
tag) and list on this page all occurrences of the tag as title links. A 
validation process had to secure that the directive ..tags:: only occurs one 
time in each file. 

Bear with me – I know it is not that easy. ;-)


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