On 2011-04-19, Gokhan Sever wrote:

> Using the latest sphinx checkout and following the latest-build
> documentation on http://sphinx.pocoo.org/latest/ext/math.html

> I have to configure my mathjax path as:
> mathjax_path = '../mathjax/MathJax.js?config=default.js'

> to get it properly working otherwise I get a warning from the mathjax
> for extra configuration.

> This probably needs to be updated in the devel documentation.

The Docutils now support als math with MathJax (however, making the
configuration available from Sphinx is an open task (volunteers?)).

The default mathjax_path is

    mathjax_url = ('http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?'

It uses the public MathJax server network and works out of the box. No
local installation is needed and MathJax also works with local files (as
long as the machine is connected to the internet).


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