On Thursday, 24 May 2012 06:17:21 UTC-4, Freek Dijkstra wrote:
> I'm a bit at loss as to why. Is my patch flawed? Is this not relevant 
> enough to fix? Is Sphinx a dead project?
> Sorry for my questions. I'm happy to contribute to Sphinx, but if the 
> project is dead, at least I know and can find an alternative.

I think going from "Sphinx doesn't seem to be responding to my pull 
request" to "maybe the project is dead" seems a very large leap... if you 
check the list of accepted pull requests, it seems to me that they've 
integrated a couple dozen over since last fall. Checking the commit history 
seems to indicate several things: there has been a fair amount of recent 
activity, (b) much of it consisting of branch merging/integration, and (c) 
activity in the commit history seems to happen in clumps.

If I had to infer behaviour from this sketchy evidence, I'd say it looks 
like a codebase that's maintained by a small-ish group of trusted 
committers that do work off-line and then carefully meld it back into a 
mainline, trying to keep it as stable as possible. It's possible that this 
project just doesn't operate in the mode of "we'll integrate any simple 
patch from anyone, with rapidity" for one reason or another.

Of course, I could be wrong.

But I'm not sure I see much evidence for my view being any less correct 
than your characterization: let's not jump to conclusions.


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