On Monday, 28 May 2012 10:40:00 UTC-4, Roger Binns wrote:
> On 28/05/12 07:20, Viktor Haag wrote: 
> > I /believe/ that "ifconfig" depends on values set in conf.py, and I 
> > haven't met with much success trying to pass "configuration values" 
> > through from the build process into the running application. 
> I have no problem setting config values for ifconfig and that side of 
> things works fine.  The problem is that Sphinx doesn't do the sensible 
> thing and instead generates some stuff (HTML toc, ref warnings, excludes) 
> ignoring ifconfig while generating others after processing the ifconfig. 

Well, it does the thing it was designed to do. It's just that maybe that 
design wasn't communicated effectively when the features were described to 
end-users. 'ifconfig' and 'only' don't exclude/include stuff entirely as 
one might expect: that is certainly the case. 8)

> The only directive doesn't take an expression which is what I need. 

Only takes simple boolean expressions with tags passed with -t to the build 
process. You can use at least AND and OR. I'm not sure if you can use NOT 
(I haven't tried, and the docs don't say).

If you need more complex expressions than that, agree, 'only' won't work 
for you.


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