Hi Kathy,

On 26 June 2012 15:46, Kathy Tolbert <ka...@flow3d.com> wrote:

> The .. math:: provided builds fine for me for HTML & latexpdf with no
> warnings.

That's just the code I have in my document, which doesn't work on my system
(sphinx 1.1.3)

> I noticed that your warning shows a beginning and ending $ that are not
> showing in your math example. I always remove the beginning & ending $ or
> \[ markup before adding it to a math directive or role. Does your document
> have the $ surrounding it?

I thought that was added by sphinx automatically. As I said, I don't add
it, my ReST code is just

.. math::

   \mathbf{\Delta} =
    1      & -1     &  0     & \cdots & 0\\
    0      & 1      & -1     & \cdots & 0\\
    \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & 0\\
    0      & 0      & 0      & \cdots & -1\\

Unless there's some indentation issue that I'm not aware off?


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