I'm generating some rst tables in python using the python-tabulate module:

headers = ["Column Name", "Data Type", "Length", "Precision", "Scale", 
tabulate_col = tabulate(this_table_columns, tablefmt='rst', headers = 

The "this_table_columns" variable is a python list containing lists of 
column data.
I then add this rst table as an object to an existing python dictionary as 
the table_columns value, and in python the output (if printed) looks like 

{'table_nam': 'Table1',
'table_comment': 'Table 1 comments.', 
'table_columns': u'
==================  ===========  ========  ===========  =======  
Column Name         Data Type    Length    Precision    Scale    
==================  ===========  ========  ===========  =======  
Column 1            integer                32           0         \n
Column 2            varchar      40                              The stage 
of a buildings lifecycle.\n
==================  ===========  ========  ===========  =======  
{'table_nam': 'Table2', etc.....

As you can see, tabulate puts the whole contents of the rst output as 
unicode with the "u".

However, when I try and load this data into a sphinx rst template in 
ReadTheDocs as such:

{% for item in schema_tab  %}
Table Name: {% filter upper %} {{ item.table_nam }} {% endfilter %}
Description: {{ item.table_comment }}

{{ item.table_columns }}
{% endfor %}

Sphinx seems to ignore the trailing newline character "\n" and doesn't 
format the table correctly:

Table Name: Table1
Description: Table 1 comments.

Column Name Data Type Length Precision Scale Description ================== 
=========== ======== =========== ======= 
=================================== Column 1 integer 32 0 _1 Column 2 
varchar 40 The stage of a buildings lifecycle. ================== 
=========== ======== =========== ======= ===================================

Table Name: Table2

Description: Table 2 comments.

Column Name Data Type Length Precision Scale Description ============= 
=========== ======== =========== ======= 
======================================================= Column 1 32 0  
Column 2 varchar 40 The value for column 2. ============= =========== 
======== =========== ======= 

Why does sphinx ignore the newline character? This seems to prevent me from 
using the nice tabulate module ability to generate ReST tables easily.
Any ideas on how to prevent ReadTheDocs/Sphinx from ignoring trailing 
newlines? I don't see any configuration options in ReadTheDocs settings 
related to this.

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