
I'm trying to build Boost.GIL documentation with Sphinx,
using also Breathe and Exhale extensions.

The whole toolchain runs Sphinx, which runs Exhale, which runs Doxygen to 
generete XML.

Doxygen and Exhale seems fine, as I can see this logged:

[+] Exhale: doxygen ran successfully in 11.75 seconds.
[~] Exhale: adding tree view css / javascript.
[+] Exhale: added tree view css / javascript.
[~] Exhale: parsing Doxygen XML.
[+] Exhale: finished parsing Doxygen XML in 35.71 seconds.
[~] Exhale: generating reStructuredText documents.
[+] Exhale: generated reStructuredText documents in 23.86 seconds.

Next, Sphinx is taking over

building [html]: targets for 4515 source files that are out of date

Sphinx fails with a very long list of warnings like

WARNING: Error when parsing function declaration.
WARNING: Duplicate explicit target name
WARNING: Duplicate ID
WARNING: Duplicate declaration.
WARNING: doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve multiple matches for function 

Eventually failing with

Exception occurred:
line 635, in <lambda>
    return self._stringify(lambda ast: ast.get_display_string())
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get_display_string'

I'm not very experienced with Sphinx and I find it difficult to figure out 
where is the problem.
Am I doing anything wrong or would this qualify as bug report for 

Here I posted complete story with all logs
and pointer to Git branch with Sphinx config

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net

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