On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Arnon Gilboa <agil...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Emre Erenoglu wrote:
> <snap>
>>>> The previous version didn't work.
>>>> I've just tested the new one from today in w7 sp1 guest 32bit and it
>>>> works there too ;-)
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Tested only copy/paste from/to guest/host with notepad and putty
>>>> @guest and gedit @host
>>>> Well done
>>> new vdagent works for me in 32 bit Windows 2003 Server. Great job!
>> Sometimes, I'm having some copy/paste issues within the guest. like I
>> can't
>> copy and paste an email message in Outlook, etc. The virtual system hangs
>> for some time, then recovers but does not paste.
> Hi Emre,
> I cannot see this buggy behavior (which we had in the past) on my machines,
> but let's try to understand it.
> -which direction of the cut-paste is problematic?

>From within the guest to within the guest. Nothing to do with the host.

For example, reply an email (i guess html or rich text) in Outlook, copy
from bottom of the mail thread to the top of the mail thread while answering
that mail.

-is it buggy only with long text? please try copying increasing block sizes
> from notepad & report the results.

Did not try, I only tried pretty short texts. I can try this and report.

> -which version of the virtio-serial driver are you using?

I'm using the drivers from fedora website (
http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/virtio-win/latest/images/)  referenced
by http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/WindowsGuestDrivers/Download_Drivers.
Version is 1.1.16.

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