Hello to everyone who is trying to build aSPICE.

1) Yes, by default when the source for the project is downloaded, a VNC
client is built. To change the behavior of the client, you can look at the
boolean variables isRdp and isSpice in VncCanvas.java which control whether
the project behaves as an RDP or SPICE client instead of a VNC client.
However, it is not enough to change the value of those variables, as the
RDP client needs FreeRDP built, and the SPICE client needs a collection of
other libraries built.

2) The BUILDING file contains instructions only for how to build the VNC
client and the RDP client (using the additional FreeRDP library).

3) The instructions for building the SPICE client will require some work,
but I will eventually get that done as well. Basically, it boils down to

- Cross-build (for ARM with the android NDK) all the static libraries
listed near the top of bVNC/eclipse_projects/bVNC/jni/src/Android.mk
- Install them in the appropriate location (/opt/android in my case).
- cd bVNC/eclipse_projects/bVNC/jni/ ; ndk-build

I would appreciate any help with writing up of instructions if anybody else
gets to it first, but it is my intention to eventually produce some sort of
reasonable list of instructions and add them to the BUILDING file. I will
also document how one switches the project's behavior.


On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 7:58 PM, jojo <rjie...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi,
> Due to instructing of BUILDING of https://github.com/iiordanov/bVNC
> it creates VNC clinet by default, how to create the spice client by
> default ?
> Could you give me any hints ?
> Thanks,
> - Jojo

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