On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 01:51:27PM +0100, Frediano Ziglio wrote:
> Disconnecting a single channel from the client caused the server to
> keep a stale channel client till the client entirely disconnected.

"stale" as in "the channel client is disconnected but still in the
list"? or something else?

> Calling red_client_remove_channel from red_channel_client_disconnect
> fix this last issue.


> An issue was that was not clear how the ownership were managed. When
> red_client_destroy was called red_channel_client_destroy was called
> which freed the RedChannelClient object so this should imply ownership

Let's end the sentence here so that the reader can breath :)

> however same red_channel_client_destroy call was attempted by
> RedChannel using its list. Basically the two pointers (the one from
> the channel and the one from the client) were considered as one
> ownership. To avoid the confusion now the client list always decrement
> the counter.

Not fully clear about what you mean here, as this patch is not changing

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