I wrote:

>I now have no turn signals or hazard warning flashers.
>I traced current with a test light right up to where the wire
>goes into the turn signal switch

Thanks to all that responded.  Scott Roberts nailed it when he
suggested that the flasher unit had failed.  Unfortuneatly I
spent several hours tracing, test lighting and multi-metering the
wiring, connections and switches before substituting this $2.99
part.  Duh.  What fooled me was that I was getting the test light to
illuminate; I can only guess that the flasher unit failed in such
a manner that enough current would pass to light the test light,
but not the turn signal bulbs.  The moral of this story should be
pretty obvious and includes me being an IDIOT...

I also seem to have fixed the ignition light glowing dimly and I
thank all for their suggestions on that one.  Those of you who
suggested that I check connections, grounds etc for a problem were
on the right track.  The funny part is that I have lived with this
problem for several years before finally deciding to write for help.
And then 2 days later I stumble over the problem quite coincidentally.
I had some problems with the ignition switch and I noticed that one
of the connections within the large pastic connector from the switch
to the main loom was badly corroded.  It was the large white wire
that eventually runs to the ignition light.  I spliced a piece of
wire around the corrosion and voila!, no more red eye of Barad-dur
glaring at me from my speedometer.

Thanks again to all that helped.  You guys are great!

Greg Rowe

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