>From: Richard Gosling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To get out the circlips, you need a pair of circlip pliers.


It also may help to tap the ujoint down a bit to relieve the
pressure on the circlip.  If it's tight against the circlip,
the circlip will be much more difficult to remove.

Since yours have broken, I've had some success in working a small
screwdriver in and prying one side out and quickly grasping it with
needlenoses before it snaps back in place.  Then you can work your
way around until the remnants of the circlip are out.  It's very
frustrating since the circlip will slip out of the needlenoses
and snap back in place countless times before you finally get it.

BTW, Richard, we call Mole Grips either Vice Grips (brand name) or
Locking Pliers (generic name).

Greg Rowe

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