>From: "William Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Ultimately, whatever gear set you have is irrelevant - direct 4th gear will 
>always be 1:1.

How is this true?  It seems to me that a gearbox out of a GT6
would be assuming a different final driveratio and therefore a
different speed at any given rpm even in direct 4th.

>Also, why do you believe the Mazda is accurate? Our 9 year old
>VW Passatt is pretty optimistic and always was when it was a much younger 
>car in my father-in-law's ownership.

One of the American car magazines (Road and Track?) did a article
on speedo accuracy recently and found that some manufacturers
apparently were purposely making optimistic speedometers.

>There are certainly too many variables to start pulling things apart - only 
>calibrate against known measurrements. At the moment both of your 
>calibration benchmarks are unknown variables, not a good starting point,

I didn't see any mention as to whether you were running stock
tires; that could have an effect.  Do you have any measured miles
on the highways? I checked my speedometer on one of those once
and is seems to be dead on.  The odometer, however is off almost


Greg Rowe

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