Not really answering your question, but FWIW I've had two vertical links break
while driving. Unless you enjoy veering into the oncoming lane, it can be
a scary experience! Vertical links ARE available new, albeit a bit pricey at $125 or so each.
So if there's any doubt about their condition, not only if they're bent, but if they
haven't been regularly lubed with gear oil, replace 'em for your peace of mind.

You might also want to replace the trunnions too. I suspect that worn parts
and the resultant play in the suspension may contribute to vertical link failure.
It's amazing to me the cornering forces that thin threaded top of the VL (and
drilled out too!) takes.


Greg Rowe

From: "Larry Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Larry Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: vertical links
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:21:48 -0500

I am sorting out the best parts for my reconstruction. I got to the vertical
links, of the '77 I stripped down, and the left side looked as if the stud the
trunnion screws onto was bent. I had two spare vertical links with the brakes
and trunnions. I stripped them down and found the same thing. The left
vertical link stud, for the trunnion, is bent out toward the wheel bearing
spindle. Is this a fluke?
I haven't stripped the '73 yet, but if it is the same should I be looking for
another left side vertical link?


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