The current text in draft-ietf-spring-segment-routing-09 regarding the
"Strict Shortest Path" algorithm reads as follows.

   o  "Strict Shortest Path": This algorithm mandates that the packet is
      forwarded according to ECMP-aware SPF algorithm and instruct any
      router in the path to ignore any possible local policy overriding
      SPF decision.  The SID advertised with "Strict Shortest Path"
      algorithm ensures that the path the packet is going to take is the
      expected, and not altered, SPF path.

One example of a local policy that overrides the ECMP-aware SPF algorithm 
decision is a limit
on the number of ECMP next-hops.  The text above implies that if a router 
places any
limit on the number of ECMP forwarding next-hops then it would be wrong for it 
to advertise
the "Strict Shortest Path" algorithm capability.

Is this the intended interpretation?

If not, what is the intended interpretation?


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