On 8/24/17, 4:44 PM, "Martin Vigoureux" <martin.vigour...@nokia.com> wrote:



> speaking as Shepherd.
> Regarding Q1&Q2: Indeed, Section 2 is the core of the document, and in 
> my view the section containing what is worth standardizing. 

What, exactly, is this document standardizing?

It is probably too late to argue about not having a separate mpls-focused 
document, so I’m not arguing against publication.  I am also not concerned 
about the length – it is good to see focused, clear documents.

> Regarding Q3: since, as you say, we can not state whether a given piece 
> of IPR is valid or not, I am not sure whether we can discuss the 
> applicability of IPR disclosures (made against other documents) to this 
> document, and vice versa.

Right.  That was a question/observation mostly for the IPR owners.  I’m just 
wondering whether the declaration was done against the right document since I 
can’t really tell what is new and different here that was not in the 
Architecture document.  I’ll be happy with the IPR holders just thinking about 



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