I have to echo Paul’s comments and add the following:

1. So far, we haven’t worked yet on SRv6 and SR-MPLS interworking. This is a 
necessity for any operators trying to integrate and leverage SR for different 
islands in its network; wireline AND packet core – Mobile network. Traffic 
engineering is obviously a key benefice for both SRv6 & SR-MPLS, but needs more 
work for interrupt.
2. Also, some work has been started for addressing multicast with SR, i.e, 
TreeSID (SR-MPLS) and SRv6 spray – we need more work to standardize these 
initiative in the industry.

Dan Voyer

On 2018-03-16, 3:13 PM, "spring on behalf of Paul Mattes" 
<spring-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of pamat...@microsoft.com> wrote:

    I feel it is essential that the SPRING WG continues and extends its work, 
and remains the locus of activity on segment routing issues. In particular, the 
work on segment routing traffic engineering (SR-TE) has reached a critical 
point, both in terms of the standards work and our (Microsoft's) application of 
it, and anything that might cause the effort to lose focus would be a mistake. 
Traffic engineering should be a specific milestone for the WG going forward.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: bruno.decra...@orange.com <bruno.decra...@orange.com> 
    Sent: Monday, March 5, 2018 11:00 AM
    To: spring@ietf.org
    Cc: spring-cha...@ietf.org; Alvaro Retana (aretana) <aret...@cisco.com>
    Subject: SPRING - rechartering discussion
    Hello WG,
    now that nearly all the core documents are in the hands of IESG or beyond, 
we think it is time to (re)discuss rechartering.
    We brought up that question few meetings ago and the feedback, at that  
time, was that the WG at least needs to be maintained to discuss the extensions 
following deployment feedback.
    But we need also identify technical directions.
    In order to initiate the discussion we are proposing some high level items 
but we'd like to make clear a few points before:
     * these are only proposals; what might end-up as the next steps for SPRING 
will be what the WG is willing to work on (which includes having cycles for 
     * what the WG might be rechartered to do is not necessarily limited to 
that; so other proposals are welcome.
     So, we thought of the following:
     * general architectural work / extensions  there are still few items on 
our plate and we expect that some might need to be progressed, and we should 
maybe allow for others to come.
     * service chaining
     last meeting there were proposals discussed in SPRING to realize some form 
of service chaining. any work in that space would require close coordination 
with SFC and maybe other WG.
     * yang
     we are a bit behind here and there is definitely work to do.
    So please comment on these and propose additional items.
    We'll likely have a dedicated slot in London but we'd like to progress 
before that.
    Thank you,
    --Martin, Rob, Bruno
     > -----Original Message-----
     > From: Martin Vigoureux [mailto:martin.vigour...@nokia.com]
     > Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 4:25 PM  > To: spring@ietf.org  > Cc: 
spring-cha...@ietf.org; Alvaro Retana (aretana)  > Subject: Next steps for 
     > WG,
     > in the session we have opened the discussion on the future of the WG,  > 
putting all options on the table (recharter/close/sleep).
     > As a foreword, we still have few WG Documents that we need to -and will- 
 > push towards IESG (and a greater number that need to reach RFC status),  > 
but with those we'll have reached most if not all of our milestones,  > thus 
the question on what's next.
     > So, we think we have heard during the session that closing wasn't  > 
desired and one reason for that is to have a home to share and discuss  > 
deployment considerations as the technology gets deployed.
     > There are also a few individual documents knocking at the door, and some 
 > of them were presented during the session.
     > To reach out to everyone, we are thus asking the question on the list.
     > We would like to hear from you all what the working group should be  > 
focussing on.
     > Note, the expectation is that future items should not be use-cases but  
> rather be technology extensions/evolutions.
     > Thank you
     > Martin & Bruno
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