Hi Xiaohu,

We’d like to first clarify the content of the new charter.

Best regards,

From: spring [mailto:spring-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of ???(??)
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2018 6:07 AM
To: ???(??); SPRING WG List
Subject: Re: [spring] Request WG adoption for 

Hi SPRING WG co-chairs,

I wonder what the current status of this WG adoption request.

Best regards,
From:徐小虎(义先) <xiaohu....@alibaba-inc.com<mailto:xiaohu....@alibaba-inc.com>>
Send Time:2018年4月4日(星期三) 09:45
To:SPRING WG List <spring@ietf.org<mailto:spring@ietf.org>>
Cc:s...@ietf.org <s...@ietf.org<mailto:s...@ietf.org>>
Subject:Request WG adoption for draft-xuclad-spring-sr-service-chaining-01

Hi SPRING WG co-chairs,

We authors believe this draft 
(https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-xuclad-spring-sr-service-chaining-01) has 
been stable enough and therefore we would like to request a WG adoption call 
for it.

We believe this work belongs to SPRING WG since the concept of service segment 
has been mentioned in the Segment Routing architecture from day one and the 
approaches as described in this draft are exactly to leverage the stateless 
source routing capability of segment routing to achieve a stateless SFC. To 
some extent, SFC can be looked as a special case of source routing as it 
requires the selected traffic to traverse an ordered list of service nodes.

We believe the SFC WG review is still needed after the adoption since we still 
hope to reuse the NSH for some special purposes (e.g., use it as a metadata 

BTW, implementations based on this draft have existed, as noted in section 8 of 
the draft.

Best regards,
Xiaohu (on behalf of coauthors)


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