On January 3, 2019 at 5:40:23 PM, Rob Shakir (ro...@google.com) wrote:

Describing these compromises is, of course, a good idea. However, it's not
clear where this description would go -- we don't really have a document
that describes this overall system and how it might be implemented today
<http://airmail.calendar/2019-01-04 12:00:00 EST>.


I started reviewing the documents with BGP-LS extensions for SR…starting
with draft-ietf-idr-bgp-ls-segment-routing-ext, which is the first BGP-LS
extensions document to be sent for Publication where the application is
explicitly to "construct the end-to-end path (with its associated SIDs)
that need to be applied to an incoming packet to achieve the desired
end-to-end forwarding”.  All other BGP-LS extension documents have in
general followed the “informative” tone of rfc7752.

I don’t necessarily think that the description of the system belongs
there…but there’s no other place to put it, at least not currently.  The SR
Problem Statement (rfc7855) and the SR Architecture (rfc8402) both just
make general statements about the need to support centralized and hybrid
(and distributed, of course) control planes — they don’t go into more


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