In the event that bathroom situation crossed my desk I'd have to go with the
lack of the 8 inch lintel as meaning the 'space with a toilet' is actually
part and parcel to the adjoining space for purposes of number of design
heads.  We are calling it a room when it is really about the 'compartment'.
The presence or absence of a door is irrelevant as the definition of the
compartment for design area relies on walls for boundaries.  Openings in
those walls are unlimited in width provided a minimum 8 inch lintel is
provided.  The lintel is essentially the containment for the heat plume to
prevent activation of heads remote from the fire which would deplete the
water supply.  Testing for residential listing on heads includes a 'dummy'
head on the bottom of the lintel as a measure of whether heats leaves the
compartment.  If the heat fuses then the operating heads do not provide
containment the test is failed.

Was this the question or was it more about can the lintel-less space with a
toilet still be considered exempt at less than 55 ft2 ?

Dave P.

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